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Brewin Family

Dressed To Impress


When your near neighbours are your family!  The Brewin families lived very close to each other.  Moving within the village and even to adjacent houses.  Very handy when preparing for a family wedding.

Dressed To Impress! - Brewin Family
Board at the Station Inn car park, the Brewin family lived in Forest View Villas, 38-40 Hough Hill in 1911, then all four of the Gladstone Villas houses, 82-88 Hough Hill in 1939

Dressed to Impress

Sisters Alice Maud and Louisa both trained as dressmakers.  How many of the outfits in this family wedding picture did they make?

Can you add a name to a face?  If so email the Trust selecting the History and Archives option

2.3 John Brewin 1849-1929 – bearded man holding a baby.

2.4 John (Jack) Brewin – the baby being held by the bearded man.

Dressed To Impress - The Brewin family approx. 1911

John Brewin’s Daughters

Edith Brewin 1881-1950 – In 1901 the 19 year old Edith was helping out at home, with 12 in the family home on Station Hill there was a lot of shopping, cooking, washing, ironing and cleaning.  Likewise in 1911 Edith was helping her mother with the nine strong family at 1 Forest View on Hough Hill.  In 1939 Edith was still at Forest View, but she only kept house for herself and her brother George.  Edith died at Hillside, Hough Hill

Maria Brewin 1886-? – Maria was a Teacher / Monitor at the National School in Swannington in 1901.  Maria had a Pupil Teacher contract from the 1st January 1902 to 31st December 1904.  Maria’s pay was £6 the first year, £12 the second year and £18 the third year, provided she passed the Board of Education examinations.  As Maria was 14 years old the contract was also signed by her father John Brewin.

Maria must have been successful in her examinations as she was still a School Teacher in 1911.  Maria would almost certainly have stopped teaching when she married Leonard Turner in 1915.   In 1911 West Bromwich born Leonard was living with his parents on Piano Row, Main Street.  Leonard was an Iron Turner at the Wagon Works in Coalville.

Alice Maud Brewin 1888-1967 – In 1911 Alice Maud was a Dress Maker Improver who had progressed enough to work at home.  Alice Maud married Snibston Farmer Frank Dolman on the 14th April 1914 at St George’s Church.  In 1939 they had four children at Snibstone Lodge Farm.

Beatrice Brewin 1891-1915 – In 1911 Beatrice was a School Teacher boarding at Smeeton Westerby, near Kibworth Beauchamp, south of Leicester.  Edith died in 1915.

Louisa Brewin 1893-? – In 1911 Louisa was a Dress Maker Apprentice, which meant she had to go into the factory (unlike Improver Alice Maud who could work from home).   Louisa then became a School Teacher, an occupation she would have given up when she married Mechanic Charles Wilkinson at St George’s Church on the 7th August 1923.

Pupil Teacher agreement for Maria Brewin

Brewin Family Swannington Homes

1891 John Brewin and his family were at Alexandra Cottages on Spring Lane.

1901 John Brewin and his family were at Station Hill.

1911 John Brewin and his family were at Forest View Villas, Hough Hill.

1911 Four Brewin families were living next door to each other at Gladstone Villas, 82-88 Hough Hill.

Alexandra Cottages, Spring Lane - at the top of the hill next to railway
Gladstone Villas, 82-88 Hough Hill - 4 Brewin families next door to each other