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Formation Of Swannington Parish Council

Coalville Times 7th December 1894

The newspaper reported (additional information describing the candidates in italics):

The National Schoolroom was crowded with electors, and the greatest interest was evinced in the proceedings.

On the motion of Mr. G. Choyce, seconded by Mr. H. W. Johnson, Mr. May was unanimously elected Chairman of the meeting.

The Chairman after explaining the course the meeting would have to take, asked for nominations papers to be handed to him, and in response eighteen papers were given in, only eight councillors were required.

Mr. Levi Lovett (overseer) said there were more papers somewhere, as over 30 had gone out.

A Ratepayer: You have as many as you can do with now (laughter).

The Chairman said the following gentlemen had been nominated viz: Messrs. Thomas Atkins, John Barnes Brearley, (vicar), John Brewin, George Choyce, Stephen Cox, John Fewkes, James Glover, Francis Hallam, Joseph Horne, Wm Henry Johnson, Levi Lovett, George Henry Poynton, Geo. Underwood Rowse, William Wardle, and Thomas Wheatley.  The nominations of Messrs. Thos. Wm. Harris, Henry Leach and Benjamin Wileman were invalid, the two former because the name of the parish had not been filled in, and the latter’s christian name being where his surname ought to be.

The Rev. J. B. Brearley thought it was unfair that these gentlemen should be disqualified on grounds of that description, and he asked if it was legally possible to remedy the defects between then and December 17th (applause).

It was further pointed out to the Vicar that no further nominations could be received either at that meeting or afterwards.

An elector asked if Ashby was within three miles of Swannington, because if it was not Mr. Poynton, who lived at the former place, must be disqualified.

The Chairman said “as the crow flies” he believed Ashby was within the required distance.

Mr. Poynton said if the questioner liked to petition against him he would be pleased to meet him.

The Chairman said questions could be addressed to the candidates by any elector, but none were asked.

The names were then put to the meeting in alphabetical order, and the voting resulted as follows:

  • 78  Thos Atkins – Thomas Atkins had a grocer’s shop at The Firs and sold blasting powder.
  • 70  Levi Lovett – Levi Lovett was landlord of the Station Inn and president of Coalville Miners Association.
  • 59  Jas Glover – The 1891 census listed two men miners named James Glover, one lived on The Common and the other in Station Terrace. 
  • 53  Geo Choyce – George Choyce was a farmer at Hollies Farm on Station Hill.
  • 53  W H Johnson – William Henry Johnson lived at St George’s Lodge, Loughborough Road.
  • 50  Thos Wheatley – Thomas Wheatley
  • 48  Jos Horne
  • 41  G H Poynton
  • 41  G U Rowse
  • 37  Stephen Cox
  • 36  F Hallam – Francis Hallam managed Calcutta Pumping Station on Talbot Lane.
  • 35  Wm Wardle
  • 34  J B Brearley
  • 34  Jas Fewkes
  • 33  J Brewin


Mr. Glover said the Chairman could give his casting vote to either Mr. Poynton, or Mr. Rowse.

The Chairman said if either of these gentlemen would consider his (Mr. May’s) feelings they would withdraw.

The Rev. J. B. Brearley said there were only 80 electors present out of 231 in the parish, he considered the voting was no criterion to go by.

Mr. Lovett said nevertheless the meeting could decide the matter, and thus save the parish £25.

The Chairman said he would take another show of hands for Mr. Poynton, and Mr. Rowse, and this resulted in the latter getting 45 votes and the former 43.

Mr. T. Wheatley then, amidst some amusement, said he demanded a poll.

Mr. H. W. Johnson hoped that the demand for a poll would not be persisted in.  They had better go on for twelve months, and then see whether a poll was required (hear hear).

Mr. Poynton said he considered that the essence of the Act lay in the poll.  They would know nothing about the candidates or what they would go in for unless they had a chance of addressing the electors.

Mr. Wheatley refused to withdraw, and the Chairman therefore announced that a poll would be taken in due course.

Mr. Lovett proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was heartily accorded, and Mr. May having replied, the meeting, which had been of a quiet and business like character, terminated.

Coalville Times 21st December 1894

The newspaper reported the election results.  Elected:

  • 115 Atkins
  • 96   Lovett
  • 85   Fewkes
  • 74   Glover
  • 74   Choyce
  • 57   Poynton
  • 50   Holme (should be Horne)
  • 49   Wheatley


The unsuccessful candidates were:

  • 45   Brewin
  • 44   Rowse
  • 42   Johnson
  • 38   Brearley
  • 37   Hallam
  • 33   Wardle
  • 23   Cox