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Swannington Parish Council – The First 100 Years – 1894-1994

This page provides snippets of information gathered from various sources including

  • Annual Parish Meetings Minute Book 1912-2015


New page September 2021 – This page will thus develop as more material is processed.






Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 25th March 1912 – Swannington School

Coronation Festivities – The Coronation Committee accounts had been presented and audited.  (Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary on the 22nd June 1911.)

Letting of Parish Land

  • Jeffcoats Lane, 35 shillings for the year, to Mr. A. Johnson
  • The Doles, 28 shillings for the year, to Wyggeston Hospital
  • Rock Field, 30 shillings for the year, plus five shillings for easements, to Mr. G. Hull


Tan Yard Spring – used to be second best spring in the village but water had disappeared and also issues with sewerage.  The spring water was no longer fit to drink, but residents valued it for swilling.  It was also dangerous and close to the road.

Tip for Rubbish – Wyggeston Hospital Trustees had given permission to tip rubbish down the Cutta old pit (the former Swannington No 1 colliery, known as Calcutta).  There was not a charge for this.  Mr A. J. Gough (parish councillor and farmer at Red Hill farm) asked for somewhere for residents of New Swannington to tip tins as they were a long way from Cutta.  The Parish Council would contact the District Council who were responsible for this.


Annual Assembly – Monday 28th March 1927 at 7.30pm

Letting of Parish Land

  • The Doles, 28 shillings for the year, to Wyggeston Hospital
  • Rock Field, 30 shillings for the year, plus five shillings for easements, to Mr. G. Hull
  • Jeffcoats Lane, 35 shillings for the year, to Miss. Johnson

Electricity – Mr. O. Smith proposed and Mr. Lidwell seconded that the clerk write the Leicestershire & Warwickshire Electric Power Co asking if they proposed to being the Cables into the parish.  Carried unanimously.

Water Supply – Mr. Lidwell proposed and Mr. Brooks seconded that the Parish Council apply to the Coalville U D Council with a view to supplying the Parish with water.  Carried unanimously.


Special Parish Meeting Re Public Water Supply – Thursday 9th October 1930

Meeting 7.30pm at the Church of England School.  To consider the provision of a Public Water Supply for a part of the Parochial Area.

The Chairman (Henry Leech) outlined a proposed scheme which was to convey water to the more populated area at an estimated cost of £6,000 of which it was considered the Government would bear 53%.  The Council being of the opinion that the supply might be obtained from Coalville Urban District Council.

Mr. O. Geary said the question of a public water supply had had previously been before the Parishioners and referred to the Parish Council, and it had been circulated that the Council had not moved on the matter.  He answered the meeting that the Council have had the question continually under their notice but up to the moment they had not been able to bring a scheme forward owing to the financial position of the Parish, but now that the Government have brought out a scheme which is to assist the progression of Public undertakings, the Council have for some considerable period been in communication with the Ministry with the result that the Council now feel justified in putting their scheme forward for the consideration of the parishioners.

Special Parish Meeting Re Alteration Of Parish Boundaries – Thursday 2nd July 1931

Meeting 7pm in the Council School.  Mr. Henry Leech presided over a large audience.  The following resolution was carried unanimously.

Resolution – That this Parish Meeting having been convened for the purpose of considering the proposed alteration of the Parish Boundaries do hereby request the Rural District Council to enter a strong protest against the suggested transference of a valuable portion of their rateable area around and including New Swannington and Thornborough into the adjoining Coalville Urban District.  The opinion of the meeting is that such a transference if carried out, would have a very detrimental effect on the future development of New Swannington and Thornborough, as well as on the older part of the Parish on account of the likelihood of a considerable increase in the rates.

This Meeting also wishes to draw the attention of the Rural District Council to the fact that during the last twenty years large sums of money have been spent in Swannington to provide modern methods of sanitation for practically the whole of the Parish, and within the last eighteen months proper provision has been made at an expense of over £300 per annum for a periodic scavenging, as the Public Health Act directs, of every house in the parochial area.  This being the case, the Meeting fails to see what possible advantage could accrue to any part of the Parish by being transferred into an Urban Area, and, accordingly ask the Rural District Council to give the parishioners their kind assistance in this important matter.


Special Parish Meeting – Street Lighting – 27th December 1945

To consider and approve the amount required by the Parish Council for a lighting scheme for the Parish of Swannington under the Lighting and Watching Act 1833.

(Similar schemes had been considered, but not pursued, during the 1930s.)

Special Parish Meeting – Parish Transfer To Coalville – 9th September 1948

To consider the Proposal to transfer the Parish of Swannington to the Urban District of Coalville.

(This proposal was successfully defeated.)


Annual Assembly – Monday March 27th 1950 – in the Institute

Bye Laws For Recreation Grounds – Mr. E Jarvis proposed and Mr. C. Toon seconded that the Parish Council should take steps to make bye-laws making it an offence for Persons to play games on the Council recreation grounds on Sundays.  Carried.

Special Parish Meeting – Proposal To Close Swannington Railway Station – Wednesday September 13th 1950

Agenda – To consider the British Railways Executive proposal to close Swannington Railway Station to the Public and to pass Resolutions thereon.  Signed John E. R. Dalby (of Willow Farm) Chairman of the Parish Council.

Resolution – After the above discussions had taken place Mr. C. Toon proposed and Mr. E. Jarvis seconded that the following resolution be sent to the British Railways Executive.

  • That the Parish meeting having been convened for the purpose of considering the proposed closing of the Swannington Railway Station, do hereby request the British Railways Executive, to keep the station open to the public for travelling and transport purposes.  Carried.

Annual Assembly in the Institute Monday March 12th 1951

National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 – Survey of Public Rights of Way –  The Survey draft map under the Survey of Public Rights of Way was submitted by the Parish Council for approval.  After a number of questions had been asked and answered it was resolved:

  • Upon the proposition of Mr. J. W. Horne and seconded by Mr. T. Croson that this Parish meeting gives approval to the map of Rights of Way as submitted by the Parish Council, which recommended that all the Footpaths and Rights of Way that had been in existence for the last fifty years be recognised for inclusion with the exception of the Footpath starting from Talbot House Farm and passing through Fields Ord O S nos 111 and 112 and finishing at the bottom of the Swannington Vicarage glebe field, as this path is rarely used and no longer required by the Public.    Carried.

Water Drainage Foan Hill Spring Lane – Proposed by Mr. Jarvis and seconded by Mr. Rowley that a letter be sent to the Area Surveyor L.C.C. asking him to stop the drainage water from the Foan Hill housing estate land, passing down the middle of the Spring Lane highway.    Carried.



Annual Assembly – Parish Meeting at the Institute Monday March 18th 1974

Letting of Parish Lands – Proposed by Mr. T.J. Turner seconded by Mr. B. Curtis that the Parish Lands be let as follows:

  • Land, The Doles, Wyggeston Hospital, £2.00
  • Land, Moor Lane, JT Redburn & Sons, £5.00
  • Land, The Rock Piece, Mr. L. Burton, £15.00

(This is the first time the minute book uses the name Moor Lane, all previous entries were for Workhouse Lane.) 

