. . . . . . . . Our sites are open every day via the public and permissive paths - enjoy! . . . . . . .

Swannington Parish Council – The Second 100 Years – 1994 onwards


Village Hall Extension and Refurbishment 1995 – In 1995 the Parish Council commissioned Keith Brooks to extend and refurbish the village hall.  Although Keith’s business was in Coalville, he lived at Manor Farm, Swannington.  (Keith later built the house with triple garage on Main Street, near the Church Lane junction, and retired their with his wife Sheila.)

The main hall was extended and improvements made to kitchen and toilets.  The enhanced building officially reopened on New Year’s Day 1996.

Village Hall extension and refurbishment - Leicester Mercury 4th January 1996
We'll meet again - following the work on the village hall - Coalville Times 5th January 1996



