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Rejection Of Swannington Transferring To Coalville Urban District Council 1948

There was a proposal to transfer Swannington Parish from Ashby Rural District Council to Coalville Urban District Council.

Special Parish Meeting 9th September 1948

Parish Meeting for the Parish of Swannington to be held in the Institute on 9th September 1948 at 7pm.


To consider the Proposal to transfer the Parish of Swannington to the Urban District of Coalville.

Signed William Thorpe

Chairman of the Parish Council

Dated 1st September 1948


Mr. William Thorpe (presided) and also present were Miss Glover, Mr. R. Hull, Mr. A. G. Toon, Mr. J. E. R. Dalby, Mr. Jos Rowley, Mr. W. A. Curtis, Mr. A. F. Adcock, W. Clarke, Jos Horne, W. Davis, W. Fowkes, C. Stacey, W. Platts, Hy Jinks, Wright, Lidwell and Glover.

Object Of Meeting

Notice of meeting convening the meeting was read.

Mr. Thorpe outlined the object of the meeting and then called on Mr. A. G. Toon to address the meeting.

Address By Mr. A. G. Toon

Mr. Toon pointed out that he considered the disadvantages that would exist if the Parish was taken over, to be administered by the Coalville U.D.C. and he said that the R. D. Council were going to do their utmost to keep Swannington in the Rural District Area.

Mr. Thorpe thanked Mr. A. G. Toon for his address and then called on Mr. R. Hull, Vice Chairman of the R.D.C. for his views.

Address by Mr. R. Hull

Mr. Hull then addressed the meeting and pointed out that the Parish had its own Street Lighting, Sewerage scheme, Water supply and Allotments together with the Village Hall, and he could not see what advantage the Parish could gain by coming under the administration of an Urban Authority.

After a number of questions had been asked and answered by Mr. Hull, Mr. Rowley proposed and Mr. J. E.R. Dalby seconded that the following Resolution be forwarded to the Ashby Rural District Council, and was carried unanimously.


That the meeting having been convened for the purpose of considering the proposed transference of the whole of the Parish of Swannington to and included within the Coalville Urban District, do hereby request the Rural District Council to enter a strong protest against the proposal.

The opinion of this meeting is that such a transference, if carried out would have a very detrimental effect on the social and Parochial welfare of the community, in being transferred to an Urban Authority.

The resolution also has the whole support of the Parish Council who ask the R.D.C. to give the parishioners their utmost assistance in this important matter.

Chairman W Thorpe

9th September 1948.