. . . . . . . . Christmas At The Mill - Sunday 8th December . . . . . . . INCLINE CLOSED Sat 7th & Sun 8th DANGER OF FALLING BRANCHES FROM HIGH WINDS

Legal Status

Swannington Heritage Trust was registered with the Charity Commission on the 20th November 1984, charity number 515809.

Swannington Heritage Trust was incorporated at Companies House on the 23rd October 1984, company number 01858055.

Trust members may attend the annual general meeting and elect the management committee comprising between nine and 15 members. One third of the management committee retire every year and may stand for re-election.

Mission Statement

To provide access to the heritage and environment of Swannington and district for the benefit of current and future generations, by acquiring, maintaining and enhancing heritage facilities.

AGM 2018


The Trust endeavours to ensure that the material on this website complies with copyright regulations. If you have concerns that an item is infringing copyright, please contact the Trust via the contact tab so that we can investigate and take remedial action.

The Trust permits readers of this site to download and copy material for their personal use. It would appreciate being credited as the provider when sharing material with others, including posting on other websites and social media. Where the photographer is named this individual should also be credited with their creation.

If you wish to use the material on a commercial basis, such as in a book, film or commercial website please contact the Trust outlining your requirements and seeking permission.