The Trust Needs You!
The membership fee is only £12.50 a year, payable in April. If you gift aid your subscription we gain an extra 25%, £2.50, from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Joint membership, for two people at the same address, is just £20 a year!
So what are the membership benefits?
Members receive a copy of “Now and Then” the Trust’s magazine. Full of articles, photographs and Trust news. Contributions for the magazine welcome.
You will receive the Trust’s annual report.
You will be invited to attend the Trust’s Annual General Meeting to hear about the years achievements along with future aspirations. You will be eligible to vote and enjoy the light refreshments!
You are eligible to stand for membership of the Trust’s Management Committee.
You may choose to register for the members email updating you with the latest news and photographs.
But without doubt the biggest benefit is the huge difference your financial contribution makes to the running costs of the Trust.
To join download a Membership Form. You can print the form to fill in by hand to send by post along with cheque or cash. Or if you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, please complete form on your device then email it to the Membership Secretary who will send you the Bank Details.